
Exploring the history and experiences of mixed heritage persons and inter-racial relationships across the world

Take the Tour

Take the Tour in Google Maps/EarthTake a tour of the places that will be researched and documented in the 1st Edition of 'Mixed In Different Shades'. The Google Earth version links the places to entries on the Wikipedia website but a latter version will link back to this site. Google maps is limited in that only the place names are shown but hopefully it will give you an idea of the scope of the project.

In Google Maps [Currently Broken - file upload problems]

In Google Earth [You will need to have Google Earth installed on you computer - download here]

Substantial information about mixed heritage history and experience in the United States and in Europe and some other parts of world such as South Africa and Zimbabwe already exists, albeit in more scholarly works, and so in the first instance the project's focus will be outside the US (apart from Hawaii) and Europe.  In all some 20 countries will be covered.  Later we hope to make some of the scholarly works more accessible.

Have fun.